
Friday, February 23, 2007

Taiwan nostalgia

I have traveled on various occasion to Taiwan with my family. My family is always passionate about food, but we rarely used to document our tasty travels. Here is the few photos that I scrounged up:

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Bounty from the nearby bakery...

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I just love the bakeries there.

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This is a childhood favorite of mine.

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My favorite Fu Long lunch box. They go for about $2 US each and are the perfect size for my apetite.

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Take a look inside... every ingredient complements each other perfectly. The food reheats nicely too. I once bought enough of these to last me two days through a hurricane and lemme tell ya, it was quite an experience.

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See the veggie layer underneath the meaty layer? Too bad you can't see the rice underneath, because it is cooked to perfection.

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Our most frequented night market, because it's close by.

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I am not quite sure what type of shrimp this is. We got it at one of the numerous seafood stand that cooks FRESH (right off the fishing boats) seafood for you.

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Another type of yummy, unnamed shrimp. We ate most of its friends... and lastly, this little guy here as well.

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